These are uncertain times for business and your team sometimes might feel unmotivated or unhappy. We, at Inkpact, suggest adopting a more human touch!
So, here are our 7 ways to engage your team and delight your customers – because right now we need connection and loyalty more than ever!
Share a motivational/funny gif every morning
Share or post some motivational content in the morning such as gifs or pictures is a way to make the day better for your staff and keep the workflow productive. :)
- Give a letterbox gift

Working is important, but self-care is crucial. You can send a letterbox gift to your team or customers to show them you care about their physical and mental health. Here you can find our vast range of a kits (I suggest to check out the self-care one ) – or you can create your own from independent brands!
- Send a handwritten note

In hard time, a simple human touch is the best way to say “I care”. Sending a handwritten note shows the recipient you took the time to think about them and write a message. Our suggestion: we love stationery from our friends over at Papier – or obviously we are here for you to send hundreds or thousands letters! So, whether you pick up a pen yourself or decide to let us do it, there’s nothing more special than receiving unexpected post!
- Send a gift card

We all like discounts and gift cards! These encourage people buying that book they really wanted, or that shirt they know would look good on them. A gift card is always appreciated and who doesn’t love treating themselves with something they REALLY want..
Check out our cash gift cards so your wonderful humans can buy whatever they want!
- Encourage to participate in free yoga classes

Physical activity is important in this moment in which everybody is staying at home, mostly in front of a computer working. Yoga is a good solution to feel the body and start the working day in the best way! We love these teachers – Hannah May and Holly Warren.
- Throw a “competition” each week
Another way to keep your team engaged and competitive is by throwing an interesting “competition” each week. The funniest joke, the most creative picture, or the best music playlist are some examples to make your team interact and be creative.
We suggest starting off with the best drawing of the boss! 😊 But be warned, it may get you a de-motion or promotion depending on your skill.
Here is my drawing of our CEO, Charlotte:

- Feed with valuable content

Working, working, working. Sometimes the best solution is to feed your customer or team with valuable content! Sharing interesting books on personal growth, or podcasts related to your business, or good movies is a way to feed your staff and build a connection with your audience. We love Hubspot’s webinars – their academy is great at helping you grow a business. Also, our CEO loves Tony Robbins and Brené Brown for motivation and culture!
Check out some of our solutions and be ready to engage your staff and customers during Covid!
Now more than ever, we need human connections! We’ll help you be more human and engage your staff or customers. You can write, call or post to us. :) We’ve got you covered!
We hope you enjoyed this post please like and share! And don’t forget to tell us if you’ve tried any of the tips.
Domizia & The Inkpact Team