Humanity will get us through 2021...because no matter how bad the world seems, people keep proving us wrong. To restore your faith in the world we live in, here are some people and brands that really are putting humans right at the centre of what they do.
Sir Captain Tom Moore
Before we go any further, we have to acknowledge the death of Captain Tom, and where better to do it than right here, as we recognise inspirational people. I am sure you all know exactly who he is and what he did, so all that is left to say is thank you and Rest in Peace.

Bloom & Wild
Opt-Out this Mother's Day.
Mother’s Day may seem far away, but it won’t be long until all the advertising starts. This day of the year is not filled with happiness for everyone and it is lovely to see that Bloom & Wild have recognised this. In 2021 they are continuing their opt out campaign from 2020. You can choose to opt out of their emails about the day. Meaning you will not receive any advertising or reminders. Also when you log in you will not find anything related to Mother’s Day. It is great to see a brand thinking about their customers, making sure their feelings are being put at the centre of the business. Alongside all this they are actively encouraging other businesses to join the movement.

Keep the kindness coming guys.
It is no shock to see this brand going above and beyond, yet again. Over the past month we have seen the brand offer it’s closed bars and venues as vaccination centres around the UK. The incredible James Watt made it very clear that their venues had large waiting areas, refrigerators and amazing "organisers." Not only that, there was even talk of free beer. James Watt has been providing entertainment on social media as he decides what to call this free beer. Thank goodness for Brewdog cheering us up, yet again. We're proud to call them one of our client partners.

In a world where we can't touch, how do we remind people how important it is?
Nivea has built the importance of touch into its marketing for years now. In a world where we are being told not to touch, Nivea faced a messaging problem; but more importantly we have all faced a feeling of loneliness. However, this was nothing that the Beiersdorf AG brand could not solve. They have recently released two reports that look at human touch pre and post pandemic.
These reports have been released alongside a Care for Human Touch campaign. The reports revealed a concerning level of physical touch deprivation and loneliness, made a lot worse by the pandemic.

“Now is the right time to talk about touch…we’re not running out and saying ‘touch everyone.’ We want to remind people of the health benefits of touch and remind them about the importance of relationships in this time.”
The company has promised to invest €20m in local skin-touch projects around the world supported by a long-term campaign targeting younger generations and millennials. We at Inkpact believe fiercely in the power of human connection and relationships. It is amazing to see a brand like Nivea stepping up to the mark, tackling an issue many of us are facing, head on.
Dr. Alex George
What a man!! If you do not know who Dr. Alex George is then you will soon. Ex-Love Island contestant has out-done himself again. He has recently been appointed by Boris Johnson as Youth Mental Health Ambassador for the government and there is no man better for the job. Alex appeared on Love Island in 2018 but since then has been back in his day job at A&E in University Hospital Lewisham. It was only last year he lost his brother to suicide, making the job role very close to his heart.

“Nothing will bring my brother back but if I can make a positive impact that saves even one life, it will be worth moving mountains for.”
Alex has started shaping new policies and his social media has already done more than could ever be expected, raising awareness around mental health issues and more.
Inkpact wish Alex the best of luck!!! #MentalHealthMatters
We hope your spirits are lifted and faith in humanity restored. Keep your eyes peeled for more noteworthy people and brands over the next month.
Annie & The Inkpact Team
P.S Kindness is contagious, pass it forward and if you have any stories to share with us please do, we would love to hear from you.